Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Great Boy!

My sweet dog enjoying some September sun and a warm breeze on his beautiful face!

This picture really captured the enjoyment Rusty was getting from the wind in his hair!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Training Distraction

I am supposed to be training for my 3rd half marathon and have been alternating between walking/running and bike riding.  The other day I was on a bike ride and went through the new cemetery near my house.  There are two lovely ponds surrounded by a variety of trees.  I stopped to check out the ponds and before I knew it I was in the midst of a flock of cedar waxwings.  I stood very quietly as a number of them swooped all around me catching little moths and landing softly in the trees. They were beautiful and very playful!  I went back three days in a row in order to take pictures.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


This hummingbird had a piece of cottonwood fluff stuck to his beak.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Recent Photographs

Maple Leaves ~ Watkins Glen State Park
Dragon Fly ~ Watkins Glen State Park

My first "real" camera was a Pentax K1000 that I bought more than 25 years ago for a class at a Community College.  Since then I have owned dozens of different cameras and taken thousands of photos, mostly of my four children.  Now that my children are getting older and one is even going off to college, I am finding new reasons to take pictures.  The reasons are the simple things in life that bring me joy, such as a song bird at my feeder, tulips in spring, or the barn cats.

This blog is a collection of my recent photographs.